Regular flushing really does help to promote a healthy and clean hot tub & whirlpool. Pro-Kleen 5 Litre Hot Tub & Whirlpool Complete System Flush is a professional, powerful formula designed to clean all the plumbing & pipework.
Removes grease including body oils, general grime and bio film that develop over time in the pipework, which can lead to a deterioration in performance. Complete system flush also contains a powerful bactericide agent which kills and sterilises the internal system.
For hot tubs & whirlpools simply fill with water to the top of the jets add 500ML to 1L of solution and run for 15 to 30 minutes Use Pro-Kleen Hot tub - Whirlpool and Spa complete system flush at every water change for hot tubs and every 3 months for whirlpools. PRO- KLEEN Hot Tub And Spa Anti-foam 2 x 5 Litre. Compare the value against other brands.
This is a 5 litre bottle. Pro-Kleen Anti-foam is a liquid foam suppressant.
It is highly effective in removing foam from hot tubs and spa's. Leen anti-foam cleaner comes in 5 Litre bottles which provides.
Treatments at 50ml per treatment. Simply add two capfuls of the anti foam to hot tub or spa where foaming appears.
A foam free cleaner clearer water surface.